Dr Steele & Dr Diwaker's Post-ESID 2022 takeaways
Dr Cathal Steele, Consultant Immunologist at the Belfast Trust Hospitals, Northern Ireland and Dr Lavanya Diwaker, Consultant Immunologist at Royal Stoke University Hospital, Stoke on Trent will be discussing their four chosen topics from ESID 2022 and how these might impact on the management and care of immunodeficiency.
Topics chosen:
1. The gut microbiome in APECED; Annamari Ranki
2. Interferon-driven immune dysregulation in CVID associated enteropathy is exacerbated by norovirus infection; Valentina Strohmeier
3. Autoimmune cytopenias and interstitial lung disease are associated with expanded Th1 cells in LOCID and CVID patients; Martin Perez-Andres
4. A novel heterozygous germline STAT6 variant as a likely monogenic cause of a novel primary atopic disorder; Lucia Pacillo